HC Deb 02 February 1981 vol 998 cc1-20
  1. Wales
    1. cc1-2
    2. European Community Grants 217 words
    3. cc2-4
    4. Unemployed Persons 909 words
    5. cc4-5
    6. National Health Service 507 words
    7. c5
    8. Steel Closures ( Government Assistance) 200 words
    9. cc5-6
    10. Plas y Deri Mountaineering Centre 427 words
    11. cc6-8
    12. European Community Grants 972 words
    13. cc8-9
    14. Unemployed Persons 538 words
    15. cc9-10
    16. Water Charges 579 words
    17. cc10-1
    18. South Wales Valleys (Government Assistance) 643 words
    19. cc11-2
    20. Mentally Handicapped Persons 365 words
    21. c12
    22. Milk 138 words
    23. cc12-3
    24. Steel Workers (Port Talbot) 499 words
    25. c13
    26. Departmental Staff 135 words
    27. cc13-4
    28. Patronage Appointments 221 words
  2. Education and Science
    1. cc14-5
    2. The Arts 574 words
    3. cc15-6
    4. Arts Companies (Grants) 731 words
    5. cc16-7
    6. Arts Council 264 words
    7. cc17-8
    8. Preserved Railways 361 words
    9. c18
    10. Arts Sponsorship 215 words
    11. cc18-9
    12. Arts Council (Policy) 195 words
    13. c19
    14. The Arts 133 words
    15. cc19-20
    16. Welsh Arts Bodies 188 words
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