- Redundancies 378 words cc214-5
- Job Release Scheme 375 words cc215-6
- Retirement Schemes 315 words cc216-9
- Job Vacancies 743 words cc219-20
- Pay Comparability 348 words cc220-1
- Unemployed Persons 372 words cc221-2
- Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service 404 words cc222-3
- Short-time Working Compensation Scheme 385 words cc223-4
- BSC Plants (Jobs Loss) 343 words cc224-6
- Secondary Industrial Action 667 words cc226-8
- Young Persons (Training Opportunities) 624 words cc228-9
- Voluntary Unemployment 313 words cc229-30
- Trade Union Legislation 437 words cc230-2
- Industrial Relations Hearings (Employee and Employer Representation) 425 words cc232-8
- PRIME MINISTER (ENGAGEMENTS) 1,969 words cc238-59
- PICKETING LAW 7,698 words