HC Deb 19 November 1979 vol 974 cc1-28
  2. TRADE
    1. cc1-3
    2. British Insurance Association 379 words
    3. cc3-5
    4. Inflation 511 words
    5. c5
    6. Merchant Fleets 223 words
    7. cc5-7
    8. Food Prices (Scotland) 510 words
    9. cc7-8
    10. Third London Airport 330 words
    11. c8
    12. Arab Boycott 169 words
    13. cc8-10
    14. Company Law 377 words
    15. cc10-1
    16. Film Industry 322 words
    17. cc11-2
    18. Tokyo Round 585 words
    19. cc12-3
    20. Heathrow Airport (Fifth Terminal) 346 words
    21. cc13-4
    22. Citizens Advice Bureaux 313 words
    23. cc14-6
    24. Multi-fibre Arrangement 710 words
    25. cc16-8
    26. Imports and Exports (Exchange Rate Effects) 649 words
    27. cc18-20
    28. Import Controls 535 words
    29. cc20-1
    30. Departmental Staffing Levels 530 words
    31. cc21-2
    32. France 126 words
    33. cc22-3
    34. Price Commission 349 words
    35. cc23-4
    36. Inflation (International Comparisons) 381 words
    37. cc24-5
    38. Quangos 276 words
    39. c25
    40. Monopolies and Mergers Commission 153 words
    41. cc25-7
    42. MEDIEVAL CHURCHES (Restoration) 400 words
    43. cc27-8
    44. CHURCH COMMISSIONERS 282 words
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