- Scotland 213 words c858
- Prices and Incomes Board (Reports) 170 words cc858-61
- Unemployment 785 words c861
- Industrial Retraining (Scotland) 206 words cc861-2
- School-leavers (Scotland) 104 words cc862-3
- Industrial Disputes 481 words cc863-4
- Remploy Factories (Wages) 449 words cc864-5
- Foreign Firms (Union Recognition) 321 words cc865-7
- Retail Prices 375 words c867
- Thorne 263 words cc867-9
- Dundee Corporation Busmen (Strike) 414 words cc869-70
- Selective Employment Tax 392 words cc870-1
- Departmental Intelligence Units 263 words c871
- Wages 145 words cc871-2
- Productivity Agreements 320 words c872
- Engineering Industry (Dispute) 35 words cc872-3
- Industrial Accidents 391 words cc873-4
- Ashington and Morpeth 215 words cc874-6
- Building and Civil Engineering Industries 519 words cc876-7
- Tyneside and Northumberland 267 words