HC Deb 11 May 1961 vol 640 cc613-21
  1. Scottish Education Department (Seconded Staff) 168 words
  2. c614
  3. Youth Organisations and Teaching Profession 159 words
  4. cc614-5
  5. Women Teachers 329 words
  6. cc615-6
  7. School Discipline (Corporal Punishment) 348 words
  8. cc616-7
  9. Public Schools 183 words
  10. c617
  11. Adult Education 219 words
  12. cc617-8
  13. Youth Clubs 148 words
  14. c618
  15. Teachers' Salaries 158 words
  16. cc618-9
  17. Youth Service Development Council (Report) 190 words
  18. cc619-20
  19. Statistics (Review) 192 words
  20. c620
  21. School Building 242 words
  22. cc620-1
  23. School Meals 52 words
  24. c621
  25. Education for Industry and Commerce (Report) 125 words