- Technological Education 325 words cc594-5
- Income Tax (Schedule A) 313 words cc595-6
- Surtax 395 words cc596-8
- National Theatre 497 words c598
- Derv Fuel Oil 162 words cc598-9
- Customs Duty and Purchase Tax 480 words c600
- Income Tax and Surtax 222 words cc600-1
- Purchase Tax 249 words cc601-2
- Admiralty Headquarters Organisation 226 words c602
- Shipping Earnings 186 words cc602-4
- Messrs. Richard Thomas and Baldwins 493 words cc604-7
- Public Works Loan Board (Interest Rates) 914 words c607
- Industrial Production 284 words c608
- Interest, Profits and Dividends 143 words cc608-9
- Trustee Savings Banks (Cheque Service) 426 words cc609-10
- I.S.H.R.A. (Prior Stocks) 180 words cc610-1
- News Chronicle Press Clipping Library 221 words c611
- Insured Employees (Earnings) 310 words c612
- Sales Tax 145 words cc612-3
- Interest Rates 228 words cc613-4
- Income Tax (Long-Term Sickness) 248 words c614
- Inspector of Taxes v. Rogerson 207 words cc614-5
- Income Tax (Farmers) 301 words cc615-6
- University Places 294 words cc616-7
- Tobacco and Cigarettes (Customs and Excise Duty) 215 words c617
- Mortgages (Stamp Duty) 147 words cc617-9
- Public Works Loan Board (Interest Rates) 477 words cc619-20
- Social Services 352 words c620
- Post-War Credits 306 words