- Graving Dock, Greenock 156 words cc997-9
- Purchase Tax 531 words cc999-1000
- Free Gifts and Coupon Schemes 401 words cc1000-1
- Industrial Concerns (Loans) 214 words cc1001-3
- Free Trade Area 867 words c1003
- National Product 116 words cc1003-4
- Arts Council (Grants) 185 words cc1004-6
- Distribution of Industry 679 words cc1006-7
- Société d'Investissements Mobiliers 303 words cc1007-8
- Rubens' Altarpiece 297 words cc1008-10
- Post-war Credits 646 words c1010
- Budget Expenditure 236 words cc1010-1
- Iraqi Oil (Earnings) 130 words cc1011-2
- Shipbuilding (Credit Facilities) 282 words cc1012-5
- Income Tax 1,243 words cc1015-6
- Foreign Travel Allowance 220 words c1016
- Manufacturing Industry (Fixed Capital Expenditure) 172 words cc1016-7
- Resident Sterling (Convertibility) 160 words