- STANDING ORDERS. 860 words c2531
- STANDING ORDER 57.—(Percentage to be deposited.) 12 words c2531
- STANDING ORDER 59.—(Cases in which Money Deposit shall be required.) 12 words c2531
- STANDING ORDER 100.—(Committee of Selection to group Private Bills.) 33 words c2531
- STANDING ORDER 106.—(Preliminary Notice to Members.) 34 words cc2531-2
- STANDING ORDER 120.—(Order in which Bills are to be considered.) 25 words c2532
- STANDING ORDER 139.—(Names of Members to be entered on Minutes.) 22 words c2532
- STANDING ORDER 151.—(Proceedings on Bills for Confirming Provisional Orders, etc.) 21 words c2532
- STANDING ORDER 152.—(Minutes of Committee.) 12 words c2532
- STANDING ORDER 159.—(Committee to fix the Rates and Charges.) 42 words c2532
- STANDING ORDER 183.—(Committee on any Private Bill containing provisions relating to the Inclosure of Land in certain cases to make a Special Report.) 26 words c2532
- STANDING ORDER 198A.—(Endorsement of Chairman of Ways and Means in case of certain Petitions.) 35 words c2533
- STANDING ORDER 204.—(Time between First and Second Reading.) 63 words c2533
- STANDING ORDER 205.—(Petition relating to Bills to be presented to House by being deposited in the Committee and Private Bill Office.) 11 words c2533
- STANDING ORDER 207.—(Second or Third Reading to be postponed when opposed.) 28 words c2533
- STANDING ORDER 224A.—(Extension of time for Petitions, etc., in case of adjournments of the House.) 27 words c2533
- STANDING ORDER 233.—(Custody of Bills.) 21 words c2533
- STANDING ORDER 238.—(Notice of adjournment.) 12 words c2533
- STANDING ORDER 247.—(Time for delivering notices.) 53 words