HC Deb 09 May 1922 vol 153 c1976
5. Lieut.-Colonel GUINNESS

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether any decision has yet been reached as to the permanent increase in the pensions of retired Indian officers who served in the recent War, in accordance with the promise made by the Indian Government?


An Army Instruction was issued by the Government of India, dated 15th March last, notifying that the revised rates of pension sanctioned in 1920 for Indian officers and non-commissioned officers ranking as Havildar would be applicable to pensioners who had rendered satisfactory paid military service during the War, the re-assessed rate to be drawn from 1st April, 1919, or from date of release from re-employed service, whichever is later.

Lieut.-Colonel GUINNESS

Is the Noble Lord dealing only with native troops? The class to which my question referred are the European officers who served with the native Army.


I will get that information for my hon. and gallant Friend. I was under the impression that the question referred to Indian officers.

Lieut.-Colonel GUINNESS

Is the Noble Lord aware that the promise of increased pensions was made directly after the War, and will he take steps with a view of getting an early settlement?


I will look into the whole matter and let my hon. and gallant Friend know.