HC Deb 13 March 1922 vol 151 cc1740-2
21. Colonel P. WILLIAMS

asked the President of the Board of Trade the value of dyes which Germany has undertaken to hand over to this country by way of reparation, and if the same has been handed over; and, if not, can he give the reason why, seeing that the Dyestuffs Advisory Committee are constantly giving licences to import dyes from Switzerland which could be obtained from Germany under reparations?


Under the Reparation Clauses of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany accorded to the Allies certain options on the stocks of dyes in that country at a fixed date and on the output for a period of five years which runs from the 1st January, 1920. Inasmuch as the second option is a continuing one, and the extent to which it is exercised and the prices of any dyestuffs taken must depend on current market conditions, it is impossible to form any estimate of the total value of the dyestuffs covered by the Treaty provisions. The fullest possible use is being made of these provisions, and the German obligations have been fully carried out; but there is no obligation on the German manufacturers to produce according to the requirements of the Allied countries; the quota which the, Allies can take is strictly limited; and that quota has to be allocated between all the Allies. Consequently it is necessary to supplement Reparation supplies by supplies from other sources and for these licences are necessary.


Am I to understand that we are taking our full quota?



22. Colonel P. WILLIAMS

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the Central Importing Agency is under the control of his Department; if so, who are the members, the period for which they are appointed, and what salaries they are receiving; can he ascertain whether this Central Importing Agency are purchasing or selling quantities of dyestuffs and chemicals which had been imported by private persons into this country; if so, on what basis is this being done; can he also say whether separate accounts of these transactions have been kept; and are the goods in all cases being sold at a profit?


The Central Importing Agency is under the control of the Board of Trade only in so far as it acts as the agent of the Board of Trade for the distribution of Reparation dyestuffs, for which it is remunerated on a commission basis. Separate accounts are kept of all transactions of the Agency in respect of such dyestuffs. The Board have no control over any other operations of the Agency or over the appointment or remuneration of its staff.