HC Deb 01 March 1922 vol 151 c348
8. Captain Viscount CURZON

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is yet in a position to make any statement with reference to the promotion of lieutenant-commanders to commanders, and with reference to the special scheme of retirement for officers of the Royal Navy surplus to requirement?


I regret I am not yet in a position to make the statements referred to.

Viscount CURZON

When will the hon. Gentleman be in a position to make some announcement about this matter, which is doing great harm to the Navy and causing great anxiety throughout the Service?


I am anxious to make a statement as soon as possible.


In view of the fact that some considerable time has elapsed since the hon. Gentleman previously expressed a desire to make a statement, can he not inform the House as to when it will be made? [HON. MEMBERS: "Do it now."]