HC Deb 23 February 1922 vol 150 c2084
28. Mr. G. BALFOUR

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the position of the most important industrial undertaking in the South of Ireland, which is about to close its factories for lack of funds, notwithstanding claims against the British Government for upwards of £350,000, the greater part of which claim is already admitted, and the balance is subject only to checking; and whether His Majesty's Government is prepared to take any and, if so, what steps to prevent the collapse of this business in consequence of it being impossible to finance seasonal requirements until moneys due by the Government are paid, owing to existing bank overdraft incurred largely on account of damages in respect of which the greater portion of the above claim is admitted?


The company referred to has been awarded compensation in respect of malicious injuries to buildings and plant amounting to £180,000. I understand that in addition the company has claimed the refund of a considerable sum in respect of Excess Profits Duty, as regards which I must refer him to my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer. In reply to the last part of the question, I can only say that I am in close touch with the company, and I trust that the hon. Member's forebodings will prove to be unjustified. I have done and am doing all in my power to expedite this matter. A full statement on the general question of the payment of claims of this character will, I hope, be made by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Colonies to-morrow, if possible.

Colonel NEWMAN

Can the right hon. Gentleman give the name of this most important industry?


I do not think it would be fair to disclose its name.