HC Deb 13 February 1922 vol 150 cc575-7

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he can give the tonnage and value of German goods imported into this country during 1913 of the following goods: manufactured cotton goods, manufactured iron and steel products, toys, electrical machinery, dyes and chemical commodities, cutlery, and crockery and earthenware?


The answer involves a statistical table which, with the permission of the House, I will have printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The following is the answer:

Statement showing the tonnage (where available) and value of certain classes of commodities consigned from Germany which were registered as imported into the United Kingdom during the year 1913.

Commodity. Tonnage of Imports. Value.
*Manufactured Cotton Goods (including Gloves, Hosiery, etc.). 7,541,000
Iron and Steel and Manufactures thereof (including Pig Iron). 1,198,295 7,783,000
*Toys and Games 1,184,000
Electrical Machinery 5,978 721,000
Dyes and Dyestuffs obtained from Coal Tar. 17,148 1,731,000
*Chemicals other than Drugs and Dyestuffs. 1,864,000
Cutlery 337 113,000
*Chinaware, Earthenware and Pottery of all kinds. 750,000

Notes.—In the cases marked with an asterisk (*) the quantities imported were not invariably returned by weight, some other approximate unit being used, e.g., square yards, dozens, gallons, etc.

The classification of commodities employed in 1913 differs in some respects from that in use at the present time.

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