HC Deb 26 April 1922 vol 153 cc539-40
5. Mr. FOOT

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty, whether any survey has been made of the cost of extending the slip at Devonport dockyard sufficiently to enable one of the proposed new battleships to be constructed there; if so, what cost would be involved in the necessary extension; and within what time could the necessary work be completed?


No special estimate of the cost of altering the slip at Devonport to suit the 35,000-ton ship has yet been prepared, but as the slip would have to be widened to the same extent as would have been necessary to enable one of the super-Hoods to be built and some lengthening would also be necessary, it is estimated that the cost would be approximately the same as previously estimated, namely, £350,000, except that it would be subject to some reduction on account of fall in wages and cost of materials.


In view of the fact that there are so many unemployed in Devonport at the present moment, considering that the shipbuilding programme has been cut down, as the Financial Secretary Jo the Admiralty has said, to the bone, would it not be of advantage to the State to endeavour, as far as they can, to do what is possible to have this ship built at the Devonport Dockyard, so as to give——


The hon. Member seems to be making a speech.


But the answer?


It is not for the hon. Member to answer.