HC Deb 12 April 1922 vol 153 cc394-5

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been drawn to the recent decision in the High Court in the ease of Nye v. Davis; whether he is aware that this decision will adversely affect thousands of occupants of London flats who, for the convenience of the owners of the flat, have to receive the services of an employé of the owners for such purposes as carrying up coals, etc.; that in many cases owners, believing that henceforth their flats are in consequence of these services excluded from the operations of the Rent Restrictions Act, have already threatened to increase rents; and if he can yet say whether he will introduce a Bill amending the Act to protect the occupants of such flats from the effects of the High Court judgment?


My right hon. Friend cannot add anything to the answer which he gave the hon. Member on Monday.