HC Deb 05 April 1922 vol 152 c2214
13. Viscount CURZON

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether the decision of the Admiralty to close Haulbowline Dockyard absolutely forthwith has been in any way modified; and, if so, for what reason, under what conditions can His Majesty's Government maintain a dockyard in the Irish Free State, and will any extra expense to the Navy Estimates be entailed?


At the request of the Provisional Government of Southern Ireland, the Admiralty have agreed to suspend further action in effecting the closing down of Haulbowline Dockyard, the Provisional Government having undertaken to accept liability for payments made for the maintenance of the yard from 1st April, 1922.

Viscount CURZON

Is this yard needed for naval purposes, and will the hon. Gentleman give an answer to the second part of the question?


I thought that my answer fully explained that no extra expense will be involved. The Provisional Government have undertaken to be responsible.

Viscount CURZON

Do you want this yard for the benefit of the Royal Navy?


No; it is not needed mainly for naval purposes. As far as the Government is concerned, we would have closed it down by the end of last month, but at the request of the Provisional Government it is being kept going, at the expense of the Provisional Government.


Will Pembroke Dockyard still be required?