HC Deb 26 May 1921 vol 142 cc282-3

asked the Minister of Pensions if his attention has been drawn to the case of Mr. J. E. Simmons, late Sapper No.534,243, Royal Engineers; whether he is aware that this man has been certified to be suffering from tuberculosis of the lungs and is continually losing weight; that the scales on which he was weighed at his last examination were afterwards found to be faulty to the extent of several pounds; and whether, in view of this fact and the opinion of a private medical authority that he is suffering from tuberculosis and is entirely unfit to follow any occupation, he will have further inquiries made into this case?


Although the diagnosis of this case has proved exceedingly difficult, pension has been awarded in respect of tuberculosis, at the rate of 50 per cent. If the man be dissatisfied with the award he may appeal, through the Local War Pensions Committee, to the Medical Appeal Board. I may add that, in calculating his weight, allowance was made for the known defect in the scales.