HC Deb 26 May 1921 vol 142 cc292-3

asked the Chief Secretary if his attention has been drawn to a meeting that was arranged on behalf of three Independent Labour candidates at Ulster Hall, Belfast, on Tuesday evening, the 17th May; whether he is aware that an organised procession from the shipyards took possession of the hall and prevented the candidates from holding their meeting; that two policemen on duty at the hall warned the candidates that their lives were in danger, and definitely stated that no protection could be granted them inside the hall; and that these officers stated that numbers of these men in the procession had revolvers; if so, why these men were not arrested; and whether he will have inquiries made into this matter with a view of some action being taken to vindicate the rights of free speech and effective steps taken to prevent a similar occurrence of these disorders?


As this question appeared on the Paper yesterday only for the first time, perhaps the hon. Member will be good enough to repeat it on Thursday of next week, when I hope to be in a position to give him an answer.


Will the right hon. Gentleman ascertain if it is not the case that these three candidates were guaranteed to be allowed to speak provided they would give an undertaking that they would use no disloyal utterances, and is it not the case that no revolvers were fired among the shipyard hands, the only weapon being in the possession of a well known Sinn Feiner who threatened to fire on the people on the platform?


Perhaps the hon. Member will be good enough to put that question down.