HC Deb 03 March 1921 vol 138 cc2006-7
Colonel NEWMAN (by Private Notice)

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether His Majesty's Government are in receipt of any information with regard to a reported attempt to overthrow the Communist Government in Moscow and Petrograd?


Reports similar to those which have appeared in the Press have reached H.M. representatives in the Baltic States to the effect that disorders have recently occurred in Moscow and Petrograd. It appears that in Moscow the trouble originated amongst the workmen, while in Petrograd it extended to the sailors and the soldiers of the Red Army. Later information tends to show that the revolts have for the present been suppressed by the military forces of the Soviet Government.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

How many times has the Soviet Government fallen now?

Colonel NEWMAN

Is it not a fact that all that the opposition want is a Constituent Assembly for Russia?


I cannot add anything to what I have said.