HC Deb 01 March 1921 vol 138 c1576

asked the Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any progress has yet been made in dividing up the rolling stock, and particularly locomotives and goods wagons, between the various succession States; and whether there is any possibility in the near future of so overcoming the mutual distrust now obtaining between certain of these States in Central Europe that through goods trains may again be sent with impunity across the various frontiers?


The Commission for the distribution of Austrian rolling stock, which was provided for in the Treaty of St. Germain, has not so far been able to arrive at a final settlement, but proposals have recently been made which, it is hoped, may accelerate a solution of the problem. It was decided recently in Paris to summon representatives of the Successor States to a Conference with the Allies at an early date to consider what steps can be taken to restore, so far as possible, normal economic relations, and in particular to improve means of communication, between the States of Central Europe.


Is not this almost the most vital question between these States to-day, and has there not been undue delay in this matter, which is holding up all trading?


I agree as to its importance. We find the effect of the interruption of communications in almost every department, but, as the answer shows, a Conference has now been summoned, and I hope that something practical will result.