HC Deb 19 April 1921 vol 140 cc1704-5
31. Mr. MILLS

asked the President of the Board of Education if he is aware that 14,169 children in the London area have been saving in expectation of a seaside holiday under the grants allowable by the 1918 Act; and whether he will reconsider the decision to cancel this grant, which helps the poor of London to a brief holiday they otherwise cannot secure?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. Herbert Fisher)

I presume the hon. Member refers to the suggestion made by the Board to the London County Council that in view of present financial conditions the council's expenditure on school journeys during the year 1921–22 should not materially exceed their expenditure on this purpose during 1920–21, and that certain new developments involving additional expenditure should be postponed. I understand that the approved arrangements for 1921–22 will cover rather more journeys than last year.


Having regard to the reports of the medical officers with respect to the benefits derived from these holidays, could not the right hon. Gentleman regard these holidays as a form of economy?


Nobody appreciates more than I do the value of these school journeys, but in the circumstances we thought that in the present year it would not be proper to enlarge the opportunities that have been given.