HC Deb 24 November 1920 vol 135 cc426-7
30. Captain ELLIOT

asked the Minister of Labour whether the scheme dealing with the employment of women in the baking industry will require some three months' deliberation before it can possibly come into effect; and whether, in view of the fact that the women recently dismissed can be absorbed without displacing any male labour, he can see his way to press for the temporary reinstatement of these women till the permanent and considered scheme comes into effect?


As my hon. and gallant Friend is aware, the Scottish Union of Bakers and Confectioners objected to the continued employment, since the War, of women in bakehouses. They wanted to revert to what they held to be pre-War practice. They threatened to strike, whereupon certain firms dismissed a number of women. The Scottish Bakers' Joint Industrial Council is now considering the general question of the employment of women in bakehouses, but I understand there is a difference between the two sides of the Council as to what exactly the pre-War practice was. A scheme dealing with the employment of women in the trade was prepared by the Joint Industrial Council, was considered by the employers and the trade union, and was, I understand, again discussed at a meeting of the Council on the 18th November, without, however, a decision being arrived at. The local officer of the Ministry of Labour is in touch with the parties, and I shall be happy to give any assistance in my power to bring about an early settlement of the matter.

Captain ELLIOT

Would it not be possible at least to make sure that women who have been employed in the trade before the War are not dismissed until this scheme has been considered?


I am afraid numbers have been already dismissed.

Captain ELLIOT

If there are any pre-War women workers who are still employed, will the right hon. Gentleman use his good offices to see that they are not dismissed?


I find it a most excellent plan to leave these matters, as far as I can, to the Joint Industrial Council, which is doing admirable service. I am in close touch with the matter.

Sir J. D. REES

On what authority does the Minister of Labour intervene in these matters?


In the public interest.

Sir J. D. REES

Is it competent for the right hon. Gentleman to decide what is the public interest without reference to anyone?


If I meet trouble half way it is in order that we may not go the whole journey.