HC Deb 17 November 1920 vol 134 cc1875-6
37. Mr. CLOUGH

asked the Minister of Labour if he can state the percentage of unemployment in the ten years prior to 1914; the percentage in July, 1914; in August, 1919; in August, 1920; and in November, 1920, including in all the post-war figures the ex-service men who may be out of work?

The MINISTER of LABOUR (Dr. Macnamara)

The percentage of unemployment among the members of certain trade unions (mainly skilled workpeople) making returns to the Ministry at the dates named was:—

Per cent.
Ten years, 1904–1913 4.7
End of July, 1914 2.8
End of August, 1919 2.2
End of August, 1920 1.6
End of October, 1920 5.3

It should be noted that the last mentioned figure relates to a date a fortnight after the beginning of the coal strike.

The post-war percentages included ex-service men in so far as they are members of the trade unions making returns. But there is reason to believe that the figures do not adequately reflect the state of unemployment amongst ex-service men.

Certain comparative figures can be given from the administration of the Unemployment Insurance Acts and the Out-of-Work Donation Scheme. These figures, which relate almost exclusively to the building, engineering and shipbuilding trades, and cover unemployed

ex-service men for the post-war dates, are as follows:—

Per cent.
End of July, 1914 3.6
End of August, 1919 4.2
End of August 1920 2.9
To 15th October, 1920 4.5

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