HC Deb 29 October 1912 vol 43 c211
2. Mr. HOARE

asked whether His Majesty's Government has official information from a Portuguese source to the effect that many of the slaves liberated from the Portuguese dependencies of San Thomé and Principe are frequently put ashore on the mainland, where they are left to starve; and that in the early part of this year fifty slaves died in the out skirts of Benguella from neglect and starvation?


My information with regard to labourers repatriated on the expiration of their contracts, is that the Governor-General of Angola is now doing all in his power to provide for them and find them work. He recently informed tho Acting British Consul at Loanda, who sees no reason to doubt the accuracy of the information, that of the hundreds of people repatriated to Benguella in the first six months of this year only seventeen died. They received medical attendance, and their death was in most cases due to the change of climate, although in a few cases it may have been due to general weakness as a result of lack of food.

3. Mr. HOARE

asked whether the eleven Portuguese who, according to the admission of the Portuguese Government, were found guilty of acts of slave traffic were expelled from the Portuguese Colonies of West Africa, or whether they were only expelled from the provinces in which they had been engaged in the slave trade?


The hon. Member no doubt refers to the case of eleven Portuguese who were accused early last year of slave dealing and other crimes in the Portuguese Colony of Angola. The crime of slave dealing was not proved against them, but I understand that they were expelled from the Colony of Angola and not merely from a province of that Colony.