- TORPEDO DESTROYERS. 542 words cc1341-2
- H.M.S. "SIRIUS" (FATAL ACCIDENT). 265 words c1342
- WITHDRAWAL OF ARMOURED SHIPS. 154 words cc1342-3
- SUBMARINE A3. 146 words cc1343-4
- ROYAL MARINES. 523 words cc1344-5
- GUNLAYERS' TEST. 158 words c1345
- Haulbowline Dockyard (Wages). 89 words cc1345-6
- Rosyth Dockyard (Accidents). 175 words c1346
- Fall of Mast, Breton Steamer "Perim." 305 words cc1346-7
- Wireless Telegraph (Portugal). 138 words c1347
- Portugal (Political Prisoners). 145 words cc1347-8
- Airships (Bomb-Throwing). 166 words c1348
- South Africa (Cession of Territory). 55 words