Commons Sitting of 22 July 1842 Series 3 Vol. 65

  1. MINUTES. 324 words
  2. c492
  3. NEWCASTLE - UNDER - LYME. 63 words
  4. cc492-3
  5. LUNACY BILL. 431 words
  6. cc493-4
  7. IMPORTATION OF CORN. 154 words
  8. c494
  9. POOR-LAW. 269 words
  10. cc494-5
  11. Custom AcT—PROVISIONS IN BOND. 274 words
  12. cc495-6
  13. EDUCATION. 282 words
  14. cc496-517
  15. AMENDMENT OF THE POOR-LAW. 8,908 words, 2 divisions
  16. cc517-66
  17. PUBLIC DISTRESS. 21,528 words, 2 divisions