[Another Act called Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act]

Section Mentions House Date
Royal Assent 1 Lords 2002-02-26
ROYAL ASSENT 1 Commons 2002-02-26
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) (No, 2) Bill [H.L.] 2 Lords 2002-03-13
Women and Equality 2 Commons 2002-03-14
Public Life 1 Commons 2002-03-21
Sunset Clauses 1 Written Answers 2002-04-18
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill [H.L.] 1 Lords 2002-05-08
Regional Assembly Elections 1 Written Answers 2002-07-11
Political Candidates 2 Written Answers 2002-10-31
Parliament and Local Government: Representation of Women 2 Lords 2004-03-01
Women, Equality and Human Rights 1 Commons 2004-03-04
Women 1 Lords 2004-03-09
Electoral Commission 1 Lords 2004-05-11