[Another Act called Musical Copyright Act]

Section Mentions House Date
MARKETS AXD FAIRS (WEIGHING OF CATTLE) BILL [Lords]— [BILL 317.] 1 Commons 1887-07-26
Musical Copyright. 1 Commons 1903-03-09
MUSICAL COPYRIGHT BILL [H.L.] 1 Lords 1903-05-19
STREET BETTING BILL [LORDS.] 1 Commons 1906-12-10
CLAUSE 11.—(Penalties for dealing with Pirated Copies, etc.) 1 Commons 1911-08-17
CLAUSE 19.—(Provisions as to Mechanical Instruments.) 1 Commons 1911-08-17
IMPERIAL COPYRIGHT. 1 Lords 1911-11-14
COPYRIGHT BILL. 1 Lords 1911-12-04