Oral evidence transcript
Published on: | Friday 2 May 2014 |
Date: | Wednesday 30 April 2014 |
Meeting on: | Wednesday 30 April 2014 |
Part of event segment: | Untitled |
Document ID: | 153068 |
Citations: |
Work packages
- Wednesday 15 January 2014 - Monday 20 October 2014
Ben Ashcroft, Author of 51 Moves, Care leaver and member of the Every Child Leaving Care Matters campaign group, Natasha Finlayson, Chief Executive, The Who Cares? Trust, Professor Mike Stein, Social Policy Research Unit, York University, and Marie Tucker, Independent Consultant;Denise Hatton, National Secretary and Chief Executive, YMCA England, Jonathan Stanley, Chief Executive Officer, the Independent Children’s Homes Association, Andrew Christie, Tri Borough Executive Director of Children’s Services, the Association of Directors of Children’s Services, and Sally Morris, Director of Young People and Families, Catch22