HC Deb 28 November 1988 vol 142 cc419-20
4. Mr. Hardy

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what is his current estimate of the time it takes a responsible motorist to drive during the day from Westminster to south Yorkshire on the Al; and how much this has changed relative to the estimated time of such a journey 10 years ago.

Mr. Bottomley

This information is not available.

We have steadily improved the A1 and plan further improvements.

Mr. Hardy

Does the Minister accept that considerable and increasing stretches of road for considerable and increasing periods resemble car parks rather than major arterial routes? Does he accept that the answer does not lie in delving into quite ancient history to reproduce the tollbooth and the turnpike?

Mr. Bottomley

I am not aware that the toll booth and the turnpike have been appearing, except on some of our estuarial crossings. Unlike the hon. Gentleman, we have not closed our minds to the possibility of using private finance. Over the past 10 years many journeys in many parts of the country have become faster, more reliable and less congested. If people will start looking at the bypass programme—both the completed programmes and those that are continuing now—and at the 850 extra miles of road, they will see the benefits. If the hon. Gentleman wishes me to name one, let me name Okehampton.

Sir Anthony Grant

Is my hon. Friend aware that one of the factors affecting the time that it takes to travel from Westminster to Yorkshire on the Al is the difficulty of driving through the extremely dangerous section that runs through my constituency, in which there have been some horrific accidents? When will my hon. Friend and the Department respond to the many representations made by me, and by Cambridgeshire county council, asking for something to be done about this horror spot?

Mr. Bottomley

We are doing what we can in Cambridgeshire, as well as in Bedfordshire and Nottinghamshire. I hope that local people will support rather than oppose some of the minor works closing gaps. We shall also do what we can to get on with grade separation.

Ms. Armstrong

Is the Minister aware that his answers to me during the last Transport questions on the Al caused some confusion in the region? Can we now confidently look forward to the development of a three-lane motorway from the A1, which would then be able to carry properly the volume of traffic that it is now trying unsuccessfully to carry?

Mr. Bottomley

That is our intention. It is one of the reasons why we are concentrating on the A1 rather than going for an east coast motorway. Perhaps the best thing that I can do is write to the hon. Lady, so that there will be no confusion.