HC Deb 02 August 1976 vol 916 cc1190-1
7. Mr. Canavan

asked the Secretary of State for Industry when he next expects to meet representatives of the shipyard workers' unions.

Mr. Varley

A meeting will be arranged as soon as the working group which I have set up with the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions and the Organising Committee for British Shipbuilders is ready to report.

Mr. Canavan

Will my right hon. Friend tell the shipyard workers, who are keen to see the new Bill on the statute book, that last Thursday, when we were faced by the united opposition of the Tories and their two-faced lackeys in the SNP, we had to bring in several very ill and courageous Labour Members of Parliament to vote in order to make sure that the Bill got a Third Reading, because of the lack of ordinary, decent, human compassion on the part of that hard-hearted woman who pretends to lead the Opposition?

Mr. Varley

I am sure that those in the shipbuilding industry who are anxious to see us press ahead with the public ownership of the industry will have noted the actions of all the Opposition parties in this House.

Mr. Michael McNair-Wilson

Will the hon. Gentleman take note of the promises inherent in New Clause 12 in the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Bill and ask the representatives of the shipyard workers in Belfast to attend the meeting?

Mr. Varley

I think that some of the union representatives whom I have seen have members who work in Harland and Wolff. I think they are adequately represented.