HC Deb 29 July 1971 vol 822 cc777-8
Q2. Mr. Peter Archer

asked the Prime Minister what invitations he has received to include specific areas in his itinerary for his official visit to the West Midlands on 30th September and 1st October.

The Prime Minister

I have received a number of such invitations. As I told the hon. Member on 1st of July, details of my visit will be announced when discussions with local authorities and others concerned have been completed.

Mr. Archer

Will the Prime Minister try to reserve some time for informal discussion with ordinary people in the Black Country who would like to talk to him—[HON. MEMBERS: "Oh?"]— about what happened in the summer of last year which led in 12 months to an increase of 60 per cent. in the dole queues and the transformation of an area of relative affluence to one of redundancies, closures, short time, and financial privation?

The Prime Minister

I am prepared to consider meeting informal groups as well as local authorities and official organisations, and if the hon. Member would like to make suggestions to me, I will consider them.

Sir G. Nabarro

Will the Prime Minister bear in mind that on 30th September, the date mentioned in the Question, I am to be at a public meeting in Evesham Town Hall addressing the electors of South Worcestershire on the Common Market? Will not my right hon. Friend accept my hospitality and share a joint platform with me on this important topic?

The Prime Minister

I am in some doubt whether we would show the unanimity I usually like to maintain with my colleagues on the platform.

Mr. Roy Jenkins

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that he might be well advised to share a Common Market platform with the hon. Member for Worcestershire, South (Sir G. Nabarro) rather than go to any of the major centres in the West Midlands where, in Coventry, with unemployment over 6 per cent., in Wolverhampton, with unemployment nearly 5 per cent., and in Birmingham, with unemployment of 4.2 per cent., he will find his election promises staring him in the face wherever he goes? Is he also aware that the only achievement of his regional policies so far is to make the West MidLands a problem region, which it has not been for 50 years?

The Prime Minister

The invitations I have received come from the major centres in the Midlands because the people there recognise full well the responsibility of the right hon. Gentleman and his Administration for the situation which now exists.