HC Deb 14 March 1967 vol 743 cc193-4
18. Mr. Winnick

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government what has been the response by local authorities to his circular on the rating of empty properties.

Mr. MacColl

With permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of authorities who have sent my right hon. Friend copies of resolutions adopting these provisions.

Mr. Winnick

Is my hon. Friend aware that there is a great deal of feeling in many places that local authorities are not taking sufficient notice of this circular? Is he further aware that in Croydon there is a very good case for these powers to be used in view of the empty office blocks in the town?

Mr. MacColl

I would rather that my right hon. Friend was ahead of local authorities in reform, than behind them.

Mr. Lubbock

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the London Borough of Bromley has refused to make use of the powers conferred on it by this Act, in spite of the fact that there are many properties vacant in the borough which could be put to useful purposes? In view of the social advantages which would be brought about by the rating of vacant property, does not he consider that this should be made mandatory?

Mr. MacColl

No, Sir. I think that this is a matter for the electorate to consider in April.

Mr. Rossi

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that a recent meeting of treasurers came to the view that the exercise of this Parliamentary provision would cost more than the money collected would make it worth while to do?

Mr. MacColl

It is interesting to notice that two of the county boroughs which have decided to use this power are not county boroughs normally regarded as having extreme Left-wing views.

Following is the list:

Local Government Act 1966

Rating of Unoccupied Property

Copies of resolutions under section 20 of the Act applying the provisions of sections 21 and 22 had been received by 8th March from the following rating authorities in England and Wales:

County boroughs

London boroughs

Non-county boroughs and urban districts

Rural districts