HC Deb 29 July 1964 vol 699 cc1400-1
8. Sir J. Duncan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when a remand centre will be opened in Scotland.

Mr. Noble

Remand units at Longriggend and Polmont at present receive over 3,000 admissions yearly. Plans are in hand to expand Longriggend from its present accommodation of 60 to 160 places by 1968, and to make it a statutory remand centre for west Scotland courts.

Sir J. Duncan

Is this a new line for dealing with delinquency? Will it apply to males only or to both sexes?

Mr. Noble

I am not certain whether it is for both sexes, but I shall find out and let my hon. Friend know.

Mr. Woodburn

Can the Secretary of State say what progress is being made in using remand homes and borstals for educating these people during their period of incarceration to fit them for normal life? How far is he releasing people on parole to go out to do useful work in the community instead of being kept behind locked doors?

Mr. Noble

The problem of remand homes is a separate question. If the right hon. Member puts down a Question about it I shall be delighted to answer—[HON. MEMBERS: "When?"]—in November.

Sir Knox Cunningham

Is my right hon. Friend aware that there is a very good detention centre in Perth which is doing excellent work?

Mr. Ross

Is the Secretary of State aware that we congratulate him on achieving what was enacted for in 1949, 15 years later?