HC Deb 30 March 1960 vol 620 cc1301-3
18. Mr. Benn

asked the Minister of Transport when he intends to bring forward further measures to improve road safety, in view of the recent rise in road accidents.

30. Mr. Janner

asked the Minister of Transport what steps he proposes to take to deal with the increasingly serious position revealed by the Preliminary Tables, 1959. of Road Accidents in Great Britain issued by the Statistics Division of his Department; and whether, in view of the fact that the numbers of deaths and serious accidents arising from the use of motor cycles is so large, he will introduce immediately legislation to deal with the matter

Mr. Marples

I have nothing at present to add to the Answer which I gave to a similar Question by the hon. Member for Bristol. South East (Mr. Benn) on 9th March.

Mr. Benn

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the number of people killed in December rose by 26 per cent. compared with the previous year and the number killed in January rose by 33 per cent. compared with the previous year? Has the right hon. Gentleman given up everything for Lent?

Mr. Marples

No, Sir; I have not given up that sort of thing for Lent. I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman should put it that way. [HON. MEMBERS: "Hear, hear."] The casualties on the roads are not a subject for joking. If any hon. Member has any constructive suggestion to make, it will be considered, but the mere making of laws by themselves will not abolish the human error which causes most accidents.

Mr. Janner

Why is the right hon. Gentleman side-stepping like this? Is he not aware that a few weeks ago a Bill was introduced by the hon. and gallant Member for Croydon, North-East (Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett) in which very practical suggestions were put forward to cope with this very serious situation? Is he aware that the situation does not brook of any delay? Why does he not introduce some Measure to deal with some of the difficulties, if not all of them? I am sure that he appreciates the urgency of the matter. That being so. will he not, instead of waiting for further reports to come forward, deal without delay with points which can be dealt with now?

Mr. Marples

A great deal of endeavour goes on in this regard on the part of local authorities, Government Departments, and individuals. Any hon. Member can get in touch with his local safety council and offer whatever help he can give in this respect. I am certain that the two hon. Gentlemen who have asked supplementary questions are in very close contact with their local road safety committees in an effort to help.

Captain Pilkington

Will my right hon. Friend publish, in percentages, every month the errors which cause these accidents? Might not that bring home to drivers and others what the real causes are?

Mr. Marples

We publish the information, but not necessarily the percentages.

Mr. Benn

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the Bill which he has promised before Easter will give the House any opportunity to write into the law of the land further measures designed to reduce the danger on the roads?

Mr. Marples

The hon. Gentleman had better wait until the Bill is introduced, because it is fairly extensive in scope. Anything which is designed to promote a freer flow of traffic ipso facto reduces the possibility of accidents.