HC Deb 23 June 1960 vol 625 cc675-8
Mr. Gaitskell

May I ask the Leader of the House to state the business for next week?

The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. R. A. Butler)

Yes, Sir. The business for next week will be as follows:

MONDAY, 27TH JUNE—Supply [16th Allotted Day]: Committee, which, at the request of the Opposition, it is proposed to take formally.

A debate will take place on an Opposition Motion on the Proposed Transfer of Richard Thomas and Baldwins Limited to Private Ownership.

TUESDAY, 28TH JUNE—Supply [17th Allotted Day]: Committee.

Debate on the Sale of S. G. Brown Limited to Private Interests, which will arise on the Admiralty Office Vote, until seven o'clock.

At seven o'clock, as the House is aware, the Chairman of Ways and Means has set down opposed Private Business for consideration.

Afterwards, consideration of the Motion relating to the Greenwich Hospital and Travers' Foundation Accounts.

WEDNESDAY, 29TH JUNE—Report and Third Reading of the Matrimonial Proceedings (Magistrates' Courts) Bill [Lords], and of the Public Health Laboratory Service Bill [Lords], which it is hoped to obtain by seven o'clock.

At seven o'clock, private Members' Motions will be considered.

THURSDAY, 30TH JUNE—Supply [18th Allotted Day]: Committee.

A debate on Apprenticeships will take place on the Ministry of Labour Vote, until seven o'clock.

Afterwards, a debate will take place on an Opposition Motion relating to the Supply of Two-Seater Cars to Disabled Persons.

FRIDAY, 1ST JULY—Government business will be taken which will be the Second Reading of the Administration of Justice Bill [Lords].

MONDAY, 4TH JULY—The proposed business will be Supply [19th Allotted Day]: Committee.

A debate on the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference.

Mr. Gaitskell

Will the right hon. Gentleman make time for a debate in the near future on the economic situation, which has been highlighted by the decision to raise the Bank Rate to 6 per cent. and other measures?

Mr. Butler

There will be an opportunity on Supply days if the Opposition so wish. Perhaps the Opposition would like to give it consideration.

Mr. Peart

On Monday, the Minister of Power announced his White Paper and said: I think it would be more convenient for the House if we discussed the White Paper at another time perhaps, as there will be an opportunity on another occasion."—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 20th June, 1960; Vol. 625, c. 14.] May I ask the Leader of the House, as he was there when that statement was made, when there will be opportunity? Is he aware that the Select Committee on the Atomic Energy Authority reported to this House nearly eight months ago and that we have never had a major debate on the nuclear energy programme or the Authority? Will the Government find time for a debate next week, or at some time?

Mr. Butler

I do not think that I can find time next week. This is a very crowded time of the year. But I think that the matters to which the hon. Gentleman draws attention are of the first importance.

Mr. Grimond

Will the right hon. Gentleman find time for a full debate on the relations with the Common Market and the European Free Trade Area?

Mr. Butler

I think that we have to watch for the most suitable time for organising such a debate.

Mr. Maddan

Will my right hon. Friend, further to that, bear in mind that these negotiations are always proceeding, that reorientation of our attitude is clearly going ahead and is necessary for a solution of the problem, and that a Parliamentary debate could very much help the successful achievement nationally of that reorientation?

Mr. Butler

Her Majesty's Government always like to work with the wisdom of the House to help, but the difficulty at this time of the year is to find the time.

Mrs. White

Will the right hon. Gentleman give time for a debate on the very important Report of the Anderson Committee on Grants to University Students?

Mr. Butler

I shall make a note of the hon. Lady's request.

Mr. F. Noel-Baker

Since yesterday afternoon, at Question Time, there have been very important developments in Nicosia. As the House has been told nothing about them, as we understand from the business announced for next week that we may not be told anything about them, will the Leader of the House use his influence to see that we get a very early statement on what is going on in Cyprus at present, and an opportunity for Parliament to comment on it, however briefly, during next week?

Mr. Butler

The Minister of State, in answering a Question on this matter, said that there were obvious difficulties in timing any statement, but it would, naturally, be the wish of the Government to inform the House when there is something concrete to say.

Mr. G. M. Thomson

Will the right hon. Gentleman recall the Motion on the Order Paper on unemployment in Scotland, signed by all Scottish Opposition Members? [That this House, while welcoming the efforts being made to induce development of private industry in areas of high unemployment, believes that where those efforts prove insufficient it is the duty of Her Majesty's Government to bring full employment to those areas by setting up and operating publicly owned enterprises.] Is he aware that in the Scottish Grand Committee this morning there was a debate on unemployment in Scotland in which the Secretary of State made a speech, after the announcement of the increase in the Bank Rate, in which he failed to inform the Committee of that increase or of its implications for Scotland? As this decision is so disastrous for Scotland, will he find time for a debate on this subject on the Floor of the House?

Mr. Butler

I should like to have, first, an opportunity of reading the debate which took place in the Scottish Grand Committee—[An HON. MEMBER: "The right hon. Gentleman will enjoy it."]—and then I shall be able to have a better mind on this matter.