HC Deb 26 November 1959 vol 614 cc540-1
8. Mr. Bellenger

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether, in the discussions which have been taking place with the various organisations interested in land drainage Proposals, he has had consultations with the Association of Municipal Corporations regarding the advisability of spreading the burden of drainage rates equitably amongst all ratepayers; and whether he is now in a position to make a further statement.

Mr. Godber

The Association of Municipal Corporations has been consulted on certain proposals for helping to overcome some rating anomalies in internal drainage districts in so far as they affect local authorities. These proposals have emerged from the discussions referred to in my reply to the right hon. Member on 9th November.

Mr. Bellenger

While not wishing to join in the congratulations offered to the Minister on an earlier Question on this subject, may I ask the Joint Parliamentary Secretary to say whether this matter will be covered in the White Paper to which his right hon. Friend has referred, because there is here something in the nature of an injustice that wants remedying as much as the injustices done to farmers and landowners?

Mr. Godber

If the right hon. Member does not wish to be associated with the congratulations, I would not wish to anticipate the White Paper which will be coming forward. I am sure that the right hon. Gentleman would wish to consider it when it comes.

Mr. de Freitas

Can the hon. Gentleman say whether, in the White Paper, as much justice will be done to my constituents, who live in the city, as to the hon. Gentleman's constituents, who are outside it? We are very concerned about this matter as the water comes pouring down our streets.

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