HC Deb 12 July 1954 vol 530 cc6-9
11. Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

asked the Minister of Food to what extent the wholesale selling price of meat imported under Government contract has increased since meat was decontrolled.

12. Mr. Shinwell

asked the Minister of Food whether he will consider reimposing price control on meat, in view of the increases in the price which have occurred since derationing.

Dr. Hill

With permission, I will answer this Question and Question No. 12 together.

Mr. Shinwell

On a point of order. Question No. 12 is quite distinct from the previous Question. It relates to a different subject. Might I have a separate answer to my Question, Mr. Speaker?

Mr. Speaker

Perhaps the right hon. Gentleman will wait to see whether the reply answers Question No. 12. I do not yet know whether it will or not.

Dr. Hill

The initial release of imported meat to the trade has been made at the same average prices as under control, with a wider range between choicer and other qualities. Meat prices have already fallen substantially from the levels reached under the naturally uncertain conditions prevailing in the first day or two of free trade and are still tending to fall, There is plenty of meat about and there are many signs that the shopping public and responsible traders are seeing to it that it is sold at reasonable prices It is not intended to re-impose control.

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that there has been a lot of sharp practice in respect of imported meat? Will he make it clear to both butchers and housewives—[Interruption.]—if the noble Lord the Member for Dorset, South (Viscount Hinchingbrooke) will shut up for a minute he will hear what I have to say—that there has been no reason whatever for any increase in the selling price of imported meat since meat was decontrolled?

Dr. Hill

If the hon. and gallant Gentleman has any evidence of sharp practice I shall be glad to have it, but I can reassure him that we are carefully watching the position in relation to the price of imported meat.

Mr. Shinwell

Is the hon. Gentleman satisfied with the chaos, disorganisation and fluctuations in meat prices which occurred throughout last week? Is he aware of what happened at Smithfield market this morning? Can he assure housewives that there will shortly be some stability in meat prices?

Dr. Hill

It is inevitable, after 15 years of rigid control, that in the auctions and in Smithfield, there should be some confusion at the outset. For example, so many butchers went to Smithfield to buy meat last Monday that it was difficult to get the meat away, with the result that too many butchers were chasing too little meat. The position has now very considerably improved and prices are tending to settle.

Mr. Shinwell

Does all this mean that the result of the Government's action in removing price control has been to cause disorganisation and confusion and to hamper housewives?

Dr. Hill

No, Sir. It means a wider variety and a larger supply of meat available to the people. No one wants to return to prison after 15 years inside because of a few breezes blowing on his face on the first day of freedom.

Mr. Baldwin

Is my hon. Friend aware that British housewives are buying meat today at less than any country on the Continent, in some cases at half the price charged there? Is he aware that many meat exporting countries are charging their own consumers more for the meat than purchasers in this country are being charged?

Dr. Hill

Yes, Sir, and I am also aware that in some cases, such as with English mutton, chops and stewing steak, meat is now cheaper than it was under control.

Mr. Bence

In watching the present situation, will the Parliamentary Secretary make sure that some unscrupulous butchers, in order to meet the resistance of the housewives to the high prices which are being charged, do not attempt to sell the housewife imported meat in place of home-killed meat?

Mr. Baldwin

The housewife should change her butcher.

Dr. Hill

I believe that the freedom now given to the housewives through the exercise of shopping skill will be more important than all the statutory rules and orders could be.

Mr. Willey

If, contrary to the laws of supply and demand, increased supplies are going to cause increased prices, which is the Parliamentary Secretary's case—[HON. MEMBERS: "No."]—will the hon. Gentleman intervene and reimpose price control?

Dr. Hill

The law of supply and demand is speedily and satisfactorily asserting itself.

Captain Duncan

is the implication in these Questions that the Labour Party is in favour of returning to rationing?

23. Mr. Dodds

asked the Minister of Food if, in view of the increased price of meat, he will consider reimposing control.

Dr. Hill

No, Sir.

Mr. Dodds

Would the hon. Gentleman be surprised to know that this morning I was in discussion with knowledgeable people in the meat trade who said that there will be no hope of a return to the same prices as obtained under control prices except in the case of offal and scrag ends of meat? Does that mean that the cheaper cuts are the types which are to be available for the mass of the people, and, if so, will the Parliamentary Secretary explain how his Government came into power on promises to reduce the cost of living and not to see it increased?

Dr. Hill

The hon. Member's friends are entitled to their own forecast of what will happen. I do not share that forecast.

Sir H. Sutcliffe

Is my hon. Friend aware that there has been very little increase in meat prices in some towns in the north of England, and that some cuts today are as cheap as they were before decontrol?

Dr. Hill

There have been increases in some cuts and decreases in others.

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