HC Deb 15 December 1954 vol 535 c1750
59. Mr. Bing

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies to make a statement upon the restrictions now being placed by the Government of Kenya upon British barristers and solicitors who desire to see their clients in Kenya in-regard to litigation pending in the Privy Council and in other Commonwealth courts outside Kenya.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

There are, of course, no special restrictions on barristers or solicitors. In Kenya as in all Colonial Territories, British barristers and solicitors who wish to make visits, whether for professional or other reasons, are subject to the immigration control laws and other laws of the Territory in the same way as any other intending visitors.

Mr. Bing

Would the right hon. Gentleman be prepared to make representations, if details are given to him of the cases of members of the Bar or solicitors here who are at present being prevented by the Kenya authorities from seeing their clients in relation to litigation in other parts of the Commonwealth?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

I am always ready to receive letters from the hon. and learned Gentleman containing interesting information, but I must make it plain that the immigration regulations must apply to members of the Bar, as to anybody else.

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