HC Deb 15 October 1952 vol 505 c193
33. Mr. E. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will make a statement about the present position of Her Majesty's representative in Peking, with particular regard to the number of interviews he has had with the head of the Chinese People's Government and the Chinese Foreign Minister.

Mr. Eden

Her Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires is accepted in that capacity by the Chinese Government and, to quote their words, as "the British Government's negotiating representative." He has had interviews with the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs but not with the head of the Chinese Government or the Chinese Foreign Minister.

Mr. Johnson

May I ask my right hon. Friend for his assurance that until Her Majesty's representative is given full and proper recognition by the People's Government in China, and until that Government end their war of aggression in Korea, Her Majesty's Government will not in any way support the application of that Government for representation on the Security Council of the United Nations?

Mr. Eden

I think that does go rather wide of the Question, and I should like notice of it.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Repeat it on Monday.

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