HC Deb 21 November 1951 vol 494 c383
65. Captain J. A. L. Duncan

asked the Minister of Food why he has not given the same concessions regarding the auctioning of fat cattle at the Scottish Fat Stock Show as he has given to the English show.

66. Colonel Alan Gomme-Duncan

asked the Minister of Food why equal treatment in the auctioning of stock has not been granted to Edinburgh and London at their forthcoming fat stock shows.

The Minister of Food (Major Lloyd George)

Arrangements for the disposal of fat stock exhibited at this year's Smithfield Show are experimental, but if they are successful and are well received by both producers and butchers I will willingly consider extending the arrangements to Edinburgh and other fat stock shows.

Captain Duncan

Will my right hon. and gallant Friend conduct these experiments both in Edinburgh and London contemporaneously and so relieve the feelings that Scotland is being treated differently from England?

Major Lloyd George

That certainly would not be my intention. I do not know whether it is possible at this stage to extend these arrangements to Scotland, or to other centres, this year, for they were come to some time ago, but I shall be very happy to look into the matter.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Does my right hon. and gallant Friend not agree that—perhaps as was usual in the past—the Ministry of Food have entirely forgotten about Scotland?

Major Lloyd George

I can promise my hon. and gallant Friend that from now we shall remember it very much more.