HC Deb 26 October 1950 vol 478 c2940

Message to attend the Lords Commissioners to hear the Royal Assent to Acts passed by both Houses and to declare the Prorogation of Parliament.

The House went; and having returned

Mr. Speaker

I have to acquaint the House that the House has been to the House of Peers, where a Commission under the Great Seal was read, giving the Royal Assent to the following Acts:

  1. 1. Allotments Act, 1950.
  2. 2. Army Reserve Act, 1950.
  3. 3. Air Force Reserve Act, 1950.
  4. 4. Housing (Scotland) Act, 1950.
  5. 5. Food Drugs (Milk Dairies and Artificial Cream) Act, 1950.
  6. 6. Diseases of Animals Act, 1950.
  7. 7. Maintenance Orders Act, 1950.
  8. 8. Allotments (Scotland) Act, 1950.
  9. 9. Public Utilities Street Works Act, 1950.
  10. 10. Bath Extension Act, 1950.

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