HC Deb 17 March 1948 vol 448 cc2075-8
18. Mr. Warbey

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what representations have been made by the Palestine Government to Arab States since 29th November, 1947, in respect to hostile Arab incursions into Palestine.

Mr. Creech Jones

Representations on this subject are made by His Majesty's representatives in the States concerned. Since the date in question, protests have been delivered to the Governments of Syria and Transjordan urging them to take all possible steps to prevent incursions by Arab bands from their territories into Palestine. Representations have also been made to the Government of the Lebanon.

Mr. Warbey

In view of the importance of this matter, can my right hon. Friend say why these protests and representations have not been placed on public record so that the whole world could know that the attitude of the British Government towards this question is one of genuine impartiality?

Mr. Creech Jones

That question should be addressed to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Manningham-Buller

Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us the number of illegal groups dealt with in the same period?

Mr. Creech Jones

I should require notice of that question.

Mr. John Lewis

To whom did His Majesty's Government make representations?

Mr. Creech Jones

That is a matter for my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary.

Squadron-Leader Fleming

Is it a fact that since those representations started in November last the Arab incursions have increased?

Mr. Creech Jones

The representations have been made when the incursions have taken place.

Mr. Janner

Has my right hon. Friend impressed upon the States the sincerity of the Government in that regard, particularly in view of the fact that some 700 Arabs crossed over a bridge which was supposed to be guarded by soldiers of the Arab Legion and by some of our own soldiers, and although the Government were warned about two days before it happened that these people were coming?

Mr. Creech Jones

I have no evidence in support of that allegation.

19. Mr. Warbey

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is now in a position to give a full report of the activities of Fawzi Kawukji in Palestine; and of the steps taken by the Palestine administration to deal with military incursion into Palestine.

27. Mr. Janner

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is now aware that Fawzi el Kawukji has entered Palestine with a band of armed Arabs and has declared that he proposes to establish himself there; and what steps have been taken to deal with this situation.

Mr. Creech Jones

The information available to me about the activities of Fawzi Kawukji in Palestine is as follows: On the night of 5th–6th March, he entered Palestine with a few companions, mainly members of his personal staff. He was reported to be on a visit to the Arab bands dispersed in certain parts of the country. On 9th March it was rumoured that he intended to make a personal appearance at Jenin but this project was apparently abandoned in view of action by the British authorities to forestall it. He is reported to have left Palestine on the night of 14th March.

Throughout his stay his exact whereabouts were unknown, as he established no headquarters and remained in the wild and broken hill country of Samaria, enjoying the immunity afforded both by the nature of the country and by the attitude of the local population. As has already been stated, the security forces in Palestine take all possible steps to prevent the incursion of armed Arabs into Palestine but owing to the nature of the frontier and the country in which these groups take refuge it is not always possible to control their movements.

Mr. Warbey

Is my right hon. Friend aware that American, Russian and French representatives upon the Security Council have expressed the view that these hostile incursions constitute acts of breach of international peace? Can my right hon. Friend say what is the view of the Government on this matter?

Mr. Creech Jones

That is an entirely different matter.

Mr. Janner

Is it true that these men crossed over the Allenby Bridge, which is supposed to be protected the whole time? In view of the very serious attitude that was taken up by the Government against this man before, why is not something more active done to prevent him from carrying on?

Mr. Creech Jones

There is no reason for anyone to have suspicion in regard to the activities of the Palestine Government in preventing incursions and visits of this kind. Everything is done that is within the power of the Palestine Administration and military authorities to prevent incursions of Arab bands and to prevent from crossing the frontiers individuals who are intent upon stirring up more trouble for the authorities in Palestine.

Sir Ronald Ross

Is is not a fact that our Forces have suffered loss, both in dead and wounded in protecting Jewish life and property?

Mr. Creech Jones

Yes, Sir, and they have rendered excellent service in defending Jewish settlements from Arab bands.

Mr. Cocks

Is this gentleman under the impression that his visit is welcomed by the Government? If so, can they not tell him that he is wrong and that he had better not come again?