HC Deb 19 February 1948 vol 447 c1325
43. Mr. Bossom

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the approximate total value of the nation's property now controlled under the direction of the National Coal Board.

Mr. Gaitskell

Until the valuations of the assets transferred to the National Coal Board now in progress have been completed, it will not be possible to give the total figure asked for. The hon. Member will, however, be aware that the "coal industry value" of the transferred interests—comprising the collieries and main coalmining assets—was determined by the Greene Tribunal to be £164,660,000.

Mr. Bossom

Is the Minister prepared to answer any questions in connection with this £164 million of the nation's property, or cannot he give an answer because it is under the control of the National Coal Board?

Mr. Gaitskell

These proceedings are not under the control of the National Coal Board. This arises under the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act, 1946.

Sir Frank Sanderson

When will the valuation of the properties be completed?

Mr. Gaitskell

It will take some years at any rate

Mr. Gallacher

Can the Minister give us any indication of how much of the nation's property is still in the hands of the robbers represented by the party opposite?