HC Deb 24 July 1946 vol 426 cc38-9
72. Mr. Spence

asked the Minister of Food whether haggis and mealy puddings will remain free of points.

Dr. Summerskill

Haggis will remain unrationed. Mealy puddings come within the definition of flour confectionery and will require the surrender of B.U. coupons.

Mr. Spence

Will the hon. Lady consider the suet content of a mealy pudding as being a meat product and, therefore, take it oft points?

Mr. Gallacher

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that haggis is the great chieftain of the pudding clan, and will she see that it is done due deference?

Sir Wavell Wakefield

What steps are being taken to increase the supply of haggis to England?

Dr. Summerskill

This decision was not taken to prevent an uprising in Scotland, but because haggis contains the heart, lungs and liver of sheep and is chopped up with suet, onion and oatmeal, while mealy pudding contains oatmeal and fats, and, therefore, is flour confectionery.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

May I congratulate the hon. Lady on having given the first real definition of haggis?