HC Deb 21 November 1945 vol 416 cc421-2
31. Mr. Stokes

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether instructions have now been given to stop the erection of hangars on the cliff at St. Mawgen aerodrome; and whether he will assure the House that, in future, both the local authority and local planning committee will be consulted before any such work is put in hand at St. Mawgen or elsewhere.

Mr. Strachey

Yes, Sir. Moreover, now that the war has ended we shall consult local authorities and local planning committees through the Minister of Town and Country Planning whenever the development of new building sites affects natural amenities.

Mr. Boothby

Will the hon. Gentleman also consult the appropriate authority in Scotland, because the Ministry of Town and Country Planning does not cover Scotland?

Mr. Strachey

Certainly, Sir.