HC Deb 13 November 1945 vol 415 c1902
33. Dr. Little

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will give favourable consideration to the claims for early release of volunteer members of His Majesty's Forces from Northern Ireland who joined for the duration of the war.

Mr. Issacs

I would refer the hon.Member to the reply I gave hime to a similiar Questions on 10th October.


Does not the Minister recongnise that these men were volunteers for the duration of the war and that, the war being over, they should receive special consideration?

Hon. Members


Mr. Isaacs

If the hon. Gentleman would be good enough to look at the reply to which I have referred him, he will see that these men are given exceptional facilities, equal to those of other men in a similar class in this country.

Sir R. Ross

Could not the right hon. Gentleman grant release in cases where there is a recommendation for release from the appropriate Department of the Northern Ireland Government, who are in closer touch with the situation than is the right hon. Gentleman's own Department?

Mr. Isaacs

That is rather another question, but I may say that I have had contact with the Department in Northern Ireland, and that, where we can, we have co-operated with each other.

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