HC Deb 24 May 1944 vol 400 cc736-7
37. Sir Edward Grigg

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what arrangements exist in his Department for making available information about developments in the Colonies for the use of Members and other persons or organisations engaged in research on Colonial questions.

Colonel Stanley

In view of the increased demand for information about developments in the Colonies, contained in official papers, fuller than that normally published in the Press and elsewhere, I have recently created in the annex to the Colonial Office, Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, a reference and information section in which are filed typescript copies of non-confidential reports, memoranda and other papers covering the whole range of Colonial development questions. These documents, which are indexed and classified, may be consulted by those engaged in research on Colonial questions. I hope all Members of Parliament will make use of the section.

Mr. McGovern

Is it not possible to get some booklet giving information such as the "Daily Express" gave before the war in the "Know Your Empire" series?

Colonel Stanley

In co-operation with the Ministry of Information, a considerable number of booklets have been published.

Mr. Shinwell

Would it be very difficult to make these documents available in the Library?

Colonel Stanley

There is an enormous mass of them and they would require to be properly classified and indexed to be any good.