HC Deb 09 December 1943 vol 395 cc1137-8
68. Mr. McNeil

asked the Minister of Health whether he is now in a position to say when the White Paper on the Reorganisation of Health Services will be published?

67. Mr. R. Morgan

asked the Minister of Health whether it is still intended to produce a White Paper as to the proposals for the reformation of the medical service arising out of the recommendations of the Beveridge Report and, if so, when; and what evidence has been taken and considered in this connection from interests representative of the medical profession, local authorities, hospitals, opticians and pharmacists?

Mr. Willink

The White Paper is in preparation. My hon. Friends will appreciate that I must have sufficient time to study closely the many difficult issues involved. For this reason it is not yet possible for the date of publication of the Paper to be fixed, but there will be no avoidable delay. On the last part of the Question, I cannot usefully add to the reply given to my hon. Friend on 23rd September last.

Mr. McNeil

Do I understand the Minister to inform us that he is initiating new conversations and that he will not produce the White Paper which was previously in draft?

Mr. Willink

No, Sir, no new consultations are being initiated, but I think my hon. Friend and the whole House will agree that the questions involved in this matter are of first-class importance and of great complexity and great delicacy, and that I should not be doing my duty unless I put forward to my colleagues proposals for which I feel I can take the fullest and most real and personal responsibility.

Mr. Graham White

Can the Minister give us a little bit more enlightenment as to the period of time? Will it be six months or next year?

Mr. Willink

I hope it will be quite early next year.

Mr. Gallacher

Are we to take it from the original answer that the right hon. and learned Gentleman's predecessor made no study of these questions?

Mr. Hutchinson

Will this House have an opportunity of debating the White Paper after it has been published?

Mr. Willink

Yes, Sir. Of course, my predecessor gave the fullest consideration to these matters. I am giving my own fresh consideration to them myself.

Major C. S. Taylor

Arising out of the original reply, in the consultations which have taken place are the interests of the large number of civilian doctors in the Services now being consulted?

Mr. Willink

I have said that no consultations are at present taking place.