HC Deb 16 June 1942 vol 380 c1370
38. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether the petrol allowances for church-going and shopping after 30th June will be limited to one journey a week; and whether further steps will be taken to prevent the use of private motorcars for journeys between home and businesses when public transport could reasonably be used?

Major Lloyd George

The petrol allowance for church-going will be limited to one journey a week except in the case of ministers of religion and others whose duties require more frequent attendance. For shopping the limit will be two journeys a week. Allowances for travel between home and place of business are kept under constant review in order to eliminate the use of petrol where public transport facilities are available.

Mr. Cocks

Do we understand from the reply that, in the opinion of the Minister, shopping is quite as important as church-going?

Major Lloyd George

No, Sir, because as a rule there is only one day a week for the latter purpose.